Comitato Regionale
ARCI Liguria is the regional committee of ARCI in the Ligurian territories of North-Western Italy. ARCI is, at present, the biggest independent association for the promotion of culture, social values and civil rights in the country and, with its over 330 clubs (circoli) and more than 55.000 members, ARCI Liguria does represent a network whose well-grounded structure enhances democratic participation and social integration locally. Since 1977 ARCI’s mutualistic associations, non-profit organizations, art galleries, volunteering groups and clubs do promote culture and sociability in the region. Mirroring its goals, ARCI Liguria services and activities include the Defense of the Rights of Migrants, with offices that offer legal assistance as well as work and education orientation, the Promotion of Anti-Mafia Culture and initiatives, the delivery of Non-Formal Education activities addressed to children at school and in suburban districts, the enhancement of Civic Service Volunteering as a self-developing and active-citizenship instrument for youth people.
As a member of the Conferenza Regionale Volontariato Giustizia (Regional Panel for Justice Volunteering), ARCI Liguria is actively engaged in the defense of the rights of prison inmates and does offer them and their families effective assistance and support from the very first moment of coming to terms with the reality of life in prison to initiatives aiming to avoid social exclusion during imprisonment as well as to foster social reintegration after detention through probation, trainee-ship grants and community service opportunities. In collaboration with the Ministry of Justice and other partner organizations, ARCI Liguria’s support is delivered through different projects, addressed to specific target groups of prisoners in different penitentiary institutions across the region; such as:
In addition to the activities dedicated to prison inmates, many cultural events (workshops, book presentations, round-tables, shows) addressed to the general public are organized by ARCI aiming to foster the connection of penitentiary institutions and its inmates with the different local contexts and to raise awareness about the issues of criminal justice, what everyday life in overcrowded jails is.
Via al Molo Giano - Casa 25 Aprile, 16128 Genova
+39 010 2467506
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